Here are some of the benefits Lakes Region businesses enjoy by joining the Sebago Lakes Regional Chamber.
A great way to target regional customers. The Chamber maintains data on over 300 Businesses in the Lakes Region.
Your business description and link displayed on the Chamber’s online business search directory. Your display is seen by hundreds of potential customers each month, generating sales and/or brand recognition.
Your business description and contact info displayed in 12,000 of our printed guides used by tourists, locals and businesses as a reference for regional services, recreation etc. Also viewable on our website!
For chamber members only – meet once a month to specifically discuss and share leads. No added fee, no strict parameters. One industry represented in each group. Learn More
The Chamber receives 2,000 information and referral requests each and every year, and we only refer Chamber members.
Host an event where town officials, chamber staff and chamber ambassadors celebrate your business. Ribbon cuttings are prominently displayed in the chamber newsletter seen by over 400 contacts. We will also post the photo on our Facebook page which averages hundreds of views!
After hours business networking events with the potential to meet dozens of new contacts (or reconnect with old). Learn about other Chamber members while marketing your business in a fun social setting. Learn More.
The Chamber gives people an easy way to participate in something larger than themselves and their respective organizations. We offer a sense of purpose through a united voice involving mutual interests and opportunities. The Chamber is at the table representing the interests of business at most community functions including local government, economic development, and education.
The Chamber holds an annual meeting each January. This event is one of the community’s largest business events. The event sets the tone and spirit of the Chamber initiatives for the remainder of the year. In addition, the Chamber bestows some of its most prestigious awards at this event.
Compared to other businesses, Chamber member are believed to use better business practices. They have a better reputation within their community. Members have greater visibility among customers and are perceived as more caring towards their customers. They are seen as more supportive of their community. Chamber members are considered to be more stable and therefore more reliable.