Sebago Lakes Chamber of Commerce

Business Breaks

Business Breaks are “after hours” business networking events with the potential to meet dozens of new contacts (or reconnect with old ones). Learn about other Chamber members while marketing your business in a fun social setting. Remember to bring Business Cards.


  • Introduce your business to your peers in the Sebago Lakes Region business community.
  • Draw attention to your location and the unique products and services you offer.
  • Your business break is posted on our website & our Facebook page for weeks preceding your event.
  • Your business break is promoted via email marketing to all members.
  • Team building with your staff /volunteers – plan a theme and have fun!


  • Provide ample choices of food, with small plates and napkins, and a cash bar for the guests who will attend. Average attendance is 40-50 people. You may co-host with other businesses that are members of the Chamber to offset associated expenses.
  • Provide certificates of general liability & liquor liability insurance for your business and any vendors to the Chamber office prior to the event.
  • Provide a table for Chamber greeters to welcome arriving guests.
  • Provide a camera-ready logo for marketing to
  • Obtain door prizes from your own and/or other area businesses for the evening’s drawings. It’s good to have between 6 and 10 items.
  • Prepare a one-minute presentation about your business that you will deliver during the break. Your co-host (if applicable) will have the opportunity to do the same.
  • Choose a local charity that will receive half of the 50/50 raffle money we collect during the evening. Contact us for a list of member non-profit and/or charitable organizations, if needed.  Invite the Charity to have table at your event.


  • Time: Business Breaks are always held from 5:00pm to 7:00pm
  • Date: Your choice of a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evening (the third or fourth week of the month).
  • Cost: $150.00 to host. ($50 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your spot). This deposit will be put toward the hosting fee.
  • Themes: If you have a unique idea for your Business Break, play it up! A theme night can work well, particularly near a holiday like Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween, etc.
  • Caterers – contact us for information on current business members offering catering services.
  • Music (not mandatory) contact us for information on current business members offering music services.

Complete this registration form to request a month to host a Business Break. A $50 deposit, payable now, is required to reserve a spot.

Business Breaks Schedule:

Date:Day:Sponsor Location:Town:
February 12WedCamp Sunshine
April 8TuePeoplesChoice Home LoansWindham
*Business Break Location